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The Fender acoustic guitar dater

Find the date of an acoustic Fender guitar

This decoder will allow you to date your acoustic Fender guitar by entering the model number. As far as I could see there is no serial number related information about old Fender acoustic guitars available so the best way to narrow down the date is to use the production dates of the model. This tool contains the approximate start and end dates of the production runs of over 180 models from 1963 to 2008. Included in the list are Fender acoustic, classical, jumbo, mandolin, 12 string and ukuleles. If available a link to the user manual will be shown. For details of what is in my Fender acoustic database click here. For dating a Fender electric guitar try my Fender electric serial number decoder. A handy generic Fender acoustic user guide is available here.

Fender Model :

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