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The Omega model decoder
Decode an Omega model, PIC code, case reference
Omega have used many types of codes on their watches over the years, this automated tool attempts to decode all of them. The Omega case reference can normally be found on the inside of the caseback. The 5 to 9 digit long number containing no dots, spaces or letters may be the serial number which can be decoded using the Omega serial number decoder.
This tool works by first checking the exact code to see if it matches anything in my database of over 1200 Omega watch models. It will then look for similar models which may just be a different case material. It will then attempt to decode the code manually digit by digit to find characteristics of the watch. This should help you find specifics about the watch and also help if the watch is not in my Omega model database. When used along with my Omega movement database these tools may help you spot any inconsistencies which may require further investigation.
Some examples of supported Omega formats ('A' signifies a letter) | AA.123.1234 | AA 123.1234 | 123.1234 | 123.123 | 1234.56.78 | 123456-78 | 123456-78AA | AA123456-78
Omega code :
(please include any dots, hyphens or spaces)
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